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Shalom friend! Now here´s a real treat for you! You can now access the Midrash section on Hebraic Christian Global Community´s website at: 

Links to Web Pages and Materials for Studying   A Truly Messianic Ministry in The Promised Land of Israel.

First Century Jewish Messianic Faith in Twenty-First Century Jerusalem. Netivyah is a twenty-first century heir of this first century community. Its primary goals are to equip believers to present the good news of the Messiah to Jews and to provide messianic Jewish believers with the opportunity to live and worship in a manner similar to that of first century believers. Netivyah also endeavors to restore the Jewish roots of the New Testament as well as to demonstrate faithful and biblically appropriate attitudes toward Israel. Its central focus is to teach Jews and Christians alike to understand and appreciate the New Testament as a Jewish book, integrally tied to the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, and to apply this understanding to our own lives. In this way, Netivyah aspires to enable these believers to become reconciled within one body.

Netivyah accomplishes its aims in several ways. In cooperation with Trans World Radio, Netivyah produces and broadcasts daily programs in Hebrew on medium wave, together with a weekly program in Russian. Netivyah's journal, Teaching from Zion (Torah mi'Tzion), provides teaching on the Jewish background of the Brit Chadashah as well as serving as a forum for discussion on matters relating to Jewish-Christians relations. Netivyah is sponsoring a series of commentaries on the New Testament, which at the moment include The Jewish Roots of Romans, The Jewish Roots of Acts, and The Jewish Roots of Galatians. Teachers from Netivyah also speak worldwide about the Bible, Judaism, the Jewish Roots of the New Testament, the Jewish feasts, and the place of the church in God's purposes. Netivyah appreciates and depends upon the prayers and financial support of its friends from around the world. Netivyah is a local Israeli, government-registered, non-profit organization. Donations may be sent directly to Netivyah in Jerusalem, or for those wishing to receive a US tax-deductible receipt, donations may be sent to our address in the USA.

Netivyah in Hebrew means "the Way of the Lord." "The Way" was one of the names by which the early community of believers was known in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament). Paul says: "... According to the Way which they call 'sectarian,' I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is accordance with the Torah, and that is written in the Prophets" (Acts 24:14). As followers of "the Way," we believe in the God of Israel, the God of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya'akov. We try to be faithful to God's law (the Torah) and to the rest of Scripture - the Prophets and the Writings. We believe that the Messiah promised in God's word is Yeshua (Jesus), the one who "saves His people from their sins" (Matt 1:21). (Joseph Shulam)     Israel-Apu ry on yhdistys, jonka tarkoituksena on Raamattuun perustuvan Israel-tietouden levittäminen ja Israelin hyväksi tapahtuvan humanitaarisen avustustoiminnan edistäminen. Yhdistys on perustettu vuonna 1979.

Tarkoitustaan yhdistys toteuttaa mm. seuraavilla toimintamuodoilla

  • Kokoustoiminta: Yhdistys järjestää opetus- ja koulutustoimintaa sekä kokoustilaisuuksia kristillisissä seurakunnissa ja muissa kokoontumistiloissa (mm. kodeissa).
  • Israelin Paimen srk järjestää kokouksia (Espoossa mm. sapatteina).
  • Äänitetyö: Yhdistykseltä on saatavana Raamattuun perustuvia MP3-opetusäänitteitä Israel-aiheesta ja muista aihepiireistä.
  • Kirjallisuustyö: Yhdistys kustantaa ja välittää toimintatarkoitustaan tukevaa kirjallisuutta.
  • Opetusta Siionista: Netivyah'in toimittaman Opetusta Siionista lehden levitys.
  • Nuorten ja lasten hengellinen virkistystoiminta: Yhdistys tukee nuorten ja lasten hengellistä kokoontumis- ja virkistystoimintaa.
  • Avustustoiminta: Yhdistys on vuosien ajan antanut humanitaarista avustusta Israeliin messiaanisen Netivyah -järjestön kautta, joka toimii Israelissa, keskuspaikkanaan Jerusalem (Room. 15:25-27, 1.Kor. 16:1-4). Yhdistys on jossakin määrin tukenut myös Exodustyötä.
  • Muita toimintoja: Mm. messiaaniset Israel-raamattupiirit ja sielunhoitotyö. (Keijo Lindeman)  Tishrei Bible School´s site

Ministry´s vision: These are days of preparation for the One Covenant Community. The focal point is the return of Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua HaMashiach). In the coming days there will be a falling away from faith in the whole world, and the rise of the antichrist system. These are also the days when true believers will be strengthened and separated from the world system.
There will be a great harvest for the Kingdom of God from all nations and there will be the restoration of Israel.
The family basis of the Covenant Community must now be strengthened, returning to the true biblical root of the Messianic Faith. Local Centres for Study and Prayer are part of the outworking of this vision, supporting the authority structure of the local believing community and strengthening the home as the centre for Spiritual growth.

The word "Tishrei" means "New beginning" and points us towards the origin and root of our Messianic Faith. It is an Accadian word adopted into the Hebrew language as the name of a month of the year.
Tishrei is the seventh month on the biblical calendar and the first month of the rabbinical year. A number of the appointed Feasts of the Lord take place during this month. On the first day of Tishrei the Shofar is sounded announcing the festival of Rosh Hashannah. Later in the month of Tishrei comes Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), followed by the festival of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles).
There is a theory suggesting that the Messiah was born during the month of Tishrei, at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. It is generally believed that this harvest feast will also be fulfilled on His return.
Tishrei is the month in which Ezra read the Law (Torah) to the people of Israel. They had rebuilt the ruined walls of Jerusalem after the return from exile (Nehemiah 8) and he explained the principles of the Scriptures to them clearly (Nehemiah 8:7)  (Dr. Clifford Denton). Tishrei offers here help how to read the Bible through:  Home of the Hebraic Christian Global Community.

"Something truly profound is happening! In what can only be described as a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit, Christians around the world are now working to restore the Hebraic foundations of the Christian faith.

After being marred for eighteen centuries by Judeaeophobia, anti-Judaism, and Antisemitism, the church is being impacted by a revolution of restoration. From virtually every nation, ethnicity, and denomination, Christian scholars, clergy, and laity are reconnecting their faith in Jesus with its historical Jewish roots. These Christian believers represent an untapped dynamic force that needs to form a more consolidated witness to the truth about Christianity's long-obscured biblical foundations.

Hebraic Christian Global Community seeks to facilitate this extension of God's dominion by connecting individuals, ministers, ministries, congregations, organizations, and denominations so that together we can speak with a community voice and serve both the Hebraic heritage community and the church at large by means of corporate action, collaborative ministry, and strategic planning.

Hebraic Christian Global Community is an interactive network of believers and a dynamic resource center that provides credible, balanced publishing and educational resources to the body of Christ and solid opportunities for interpersonal relationships for individuals and congregations around the world." (Dr. John Garr)  The Karl Coke Evangelistic Association´s site.

Dr. Karl D. Coke is an internationally acclaimed Hebrew scholar and teacher from the California School of Theology whose expertise in the original languages of Holy Scripture causes the Bible to come alive for his audiences and readers.He is the President and Chancellor of The Timothy Program International, a Bible curriculum currently being taught in more than twenty countries world-wide.
On November 20, 1990, Dr. Coke was resting in his room at the Union Biblical Seminary in Pune, India. Dr. Coke was a guest teacher at the seminary for one week. He was teaching the students Hebrew, the Book of Amos and the Pentateuch. As Dr. Coke read Isaiah 48 and 49, God spoke to him about "leaving Babylon." God said... "Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians! Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it. Send it out to the ends of the earth; say "The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob." Isaiah 48:20. "To say to his captives, 'Come Out,' and to those in darkness, 'Be free!' They will feed beside the roads and find pasture on every barren hill." Isaiah 49:9

Dr. Coke sought God from November 23, 1990 until June 28, 1991 about developing a purely Biblical ministry. God revealed that each Believer must assume the responsibility of his own spiritual growth! Dr. Coke's job was to make spiritual food available, but, each believer must learn to eat for himself. In one great revelation, God had eliminated the age-old excuse "I'm not being fed!" God also reveled that each Believer must make his exclusive goal to please God, not man.(II Corinthians 5:9 & John 8:29)

This revelation eliminated competition with other Believers. God further revealed that the home needed to be restored as the center for spiritual growth! This eliminated the wasted time of going "to" meetings, and re-established the head of the household as priest of that home. This revelation stopped the procedure of heads of the household releasing the spiritual responsibility to others. It gave rise to building relationships between parents and children. It let parents know where their child was spiritually. The time has come to re-establish heads of households as the spiritual leaders in the home. This can be a man or a woman in single parent situations. Spiritual priests must be raised up in the home. This requires that heads of households learn how to eat spiritual food for themselves. People are not going to eat for themselves as long as pastors make attendance obligatory (a mortal sin) and provide so many programs that there is no family time.

Dr. Coke offers families The Timothy Program International. Hebrew is just one of many courses taught by Dr. Coke and The Timothy Program International professors. Click here for more information:    Paul Sumner´s site. To restore balance and recover Yeshua´s biblical identity, Paul´s work seeks to emphasize the Hebraic New Testament presentation of Yeshua/Jesus.

"Since before the Yom Kippur War, I have adventurously navigated the Hebrew Bible and Hebrew currents within the New Testament. My journeys have been far-ranging, ongoing and existential.

My journey toward Hebrew Homeland (my term, based on Heb 11:14) has been one of discovering and nourishing a Hebraic consciousness. It was deepened by trips to Israel, studies at seminaries and universities, and especially by sitting under an elderly, wise, non-Jewish, Hebrew tutor.

One fruit of my explorations is my graduate thesis on the Heavenly Council in the Hebrew Bible, Judaism, and New Testament. Another fruit was a study paper I published during 1986-95 called Yashar, which matured into this website and went online in 1998.

From my studies in Scripture, I learned to explore theological archeology with a non-Western mindset. That is, I've sought to discover the bedrock and deep streams of Biblical Theology. My interest is always to understand who Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus) was and is, from the background of the Hebrew Bible.

To read Scripture we need a few things:
• to remember how to feed ourselves, or to learn how to for the first time
• to read our Bibles with pencil, notebook, and concordance at hand
• to ask, seek, and knock as though Someone will hear us and answer."

(Paul Sumner)